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Maintenance Management in Spinning

The fourth edition of this monograph published in 1999 was well received and more than 2000 copies were sold in a span of less than 5 years. In the present edition, taking into consideration the high speed range of the preparatory & spinning machines that are in position in modern mills, the schedule for some of the maintenance activities have been revised. In addition, some new maintenance operations viz. servicing of scanning roller in auto leveller draw frames, false twister changing in speed frames, splicing unit monitoring in auto coners etc. are proposed Thorough revision has been made on the lubricating schedules of different production machineries.

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SITRA Norms for Spinning Mills

SITRA is pleased to release this long awaited eighth edition of a substantially revised ‘Norms for Spinning Mills’. Since its publication in 1975, this publication has been in continuous demand. It has been a leading textile publication in India with over 50,000 copies being sold, and this speaks eloquently of the immense popularity of the publication. Many a time, the figures provided in the monograph are quoted as authoritative information in the discussions of high-power committees set up by the Central and State Governments deliberating issues plaguing the textile industry in the Country, and also during arbitration of disputes.

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Quality Control In Spinning

The importance of quality assurance has remained equal if not increased till date despite the overall improvement in the quality of yarns and fabrics which has taken place over the years. To control the quality of the products one need to assess them objectively.

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Electricity Management

The intention of SITRA to a bring a book especially in Tamil on the energy management subject is to cater to the technical needs of all floor level technical personnel working in modern industries. Though the ways and means of taking suitable conservation measures towards energy conservation as well as energy management is well known, for successful implementation, we need the help and cooperation of technical staff including the floor level technical personnel. All personnel should be aware of the need for energy conservation and knowledgeable enough to tackle the day to day issues with respect to energy management.

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Maintenance Management in Weaving

Comprehensive manual of weaving maintenance would be a valuable addition to textile literature and a useful guide for those in charge of maintenance in textile mills. This book is the result of a number of years of experience in the field of weaving as well as various consultancy studies and investigations undertaken by SITRA in the field of machinery maintenance. It covers all aspects in this area and has been carefully compiled and meticulously edited. This book starts with an introduction and importance of maintenance in weaving mills. The basic concepts of maintenance and its type are dealt with in the second chapter.

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Reactive Power Management in Industry

This book is intended for anyone who works, manages and practices in an electrical system of an energy intensive industry like textile mills, which is one of the designated industries according to Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Towards explaining the means of managing reactive power in electrical system the book explains, basic theories, the key parts of the system component by component, the important characteristics, provides managing guidelines, recommends specific products and takes the energy manager step by step through managing and maintaining the system.

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